Our Services
We specialize in comprehensive care for the adult/geriatric population of Central Texas by serving patients in multiple post-acute settings including, Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals, Rehabilitation Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Long-Term Care Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Residences and in the Home. We provide 24/7 on call coverage and specialties to provide seamless care from the hospital to the home.
Our Services
We specialize in comprehensive care for the adult/geriatric population of Central Texas by serving patients in multiple post acute settings including Long Term Acute Care Hospitals, Rehabilitation Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Long Term Care Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Residences and in the Home. We provide 24/7 on call coverage and specialties to provide seamless care from the hospital to the home.
We care deeply about our patients and their individual needs.
Please contact us for a personalized care plan.
We care deeply about our patients and their individual needs.
Please contact us for a personalized care plan.
Transition to Home
If you or a loved one is transitioning home after a stay in a hospital or other medical facility, our team of board-certified Advanced Practice Providers and physicians can provide in home visit(s) to help coordinate care in the home setting and can support your team in the following areas:
- Transition to Home: We provide transitional care home visits post-discharge from hospitals and facilities, and our goal is to see the patient within 48 hours of discharge. We stay on board until an outpatient primary care physician is established.
- Palliative Care: We provide home visits for patients referred for palliative care.
- Hospice: We can co-manage hospice patients in home on diagnoses not related to their hospice diagnosis.
- Homebound Patients: GPS can co-manage patients in the home long-term if requested by a primary care provider.
Palliative care
Palliative care is specialized medical care for those with a serious or chronic illness. Our palliative care program focuses on placing you, the individual, at the center of all medical decisions. This includes educating patient and family on medical treatment options, working towards improved symptom management and the documentation of your current care choices. Our palliative care team at GPS looks forward to working with you and your family on supporting your health care goals.
Cardiology services
Cardiology providers focus on the care of your heart and circulatory system. At GPS, we provide our patients with specialized cardiology care focusing on prevention and management of chronic cardiac disease.
Cassandra Hollifield is a Physician Assistant who has over eight years specializing in cardiology and has worked with many cardiologists in the Austin area. Her expertise and training benefit our patients by providing a more focused approach to your cardiac needs with the goal of improving your quality of life.
Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. These diseases include asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. Jeremy Nelson earned a Master of Science degree as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in 2008 from the University of Texas-Health Science Center in Houston, and has been working in ICU settings with Pulmonary and Critical Care physicians since.
LTC ACO is the first Accountable Care Organization for Medicare providers who serve beneficiaries residing in long term care nursing facilities. A pioneer in the space, LTC ACO has participated in the MSSP since January 1, 2016. LTC ACO moved from Track 1 to the Enhanced Track in its second agreement period which began on July 1, 2019, based its consistent ability to improve quality and cost outcomes for this important segment of Medicare beneficiaries. LTC works closely with its members to recognize and reward them for their important role in delivering quality care.
Transition to Home
If you or a loved one is transitioning home after a stay in a hospital or other medical facility, our team of board-certified Advanced Practice Providers and physicians can provide in home visit(s) to help coordinate care in the home setting and can support your team in the following areas:
- Transition to Home: We provide transitional care home visits post-discharge from hospitals and facilities, and our goal is to see the patient within 48 hours of discharge. We stay on board until an outpatient PCP is established.
- Palliative Care: We provide home visits for patients referred for palliative care.
- Hospice: We can co-manage hospice patients in home on diagnoses not related to their hospice diagnosis.
- Homebound Patients: GPS can co-manage patients in the home long-term if requested by a primary care provider.
Palliative care
Palliative care is specialized medical care for those with a serious or chronic illness. Our palliative care program focuses on placing you, the individual, at the center of all medical decisions. This includes educating patient and family on medical treatment options, working towards improved symptom management and the documentation of your current care choices. Our palliative care team at GPS looks forward to working with you and your family on supporting your health care goals.
Cardiology services
Cardiology providers focus on the care of your heart and circulatory system. At GPS, we provide our patients with specialized cardiology care focusing on prevention and management of chronic cardiac disease.
Cassandra Hollifield is a Physician Assistant who has over eight years specializing in cardiology and has worked with many cardiologists in the Austin area. Her expertise and training benefit our patients by providing a more focused approach to your cardiac needs with the goal of improving your quality of life.
Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. These diseases include asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. Jeremy Nelson earned a Master of Science degree as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner in 2008 from the University of Texas-Health Science Center in Houston, and has been working in ICU settings with Pulmonary and Critical Care physicians since.
LTC ACO is the first ACO for Medicare providers who serve beneficiaries residing in long term care nursing facilities. A pioneer in the space, LTC ACO has participated in the MSSP since January 1, 2016. LTC ACO moved from Track 1 to the Enhanced Track in its second agreement period which began on July 1, 2019, based its consistent ability to improve quality and cost outcomes for this important segment of Medicare beneficiaries. LTC works closely with its members to recognize and reward them for their important role in delivering quality care.